Postdoc in translational hematology research (m/f/d)
Essen University Hospital
Essen, Germany
The University Hospital Essen offers first class medical services in the Ruhr metropolis. Every year, 225.000 patients are treated in 30 clinics, 27 institutes and specialized centers. The over 8.000 employees offer medical care with state-of-the art diagnostics and therapies, which meet highest international standards. Patient care is connected with basic and translational research at an internationally competitive level.
The Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) program (Prof. Dr. B. v. Tresckow) of the Department of Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation (Prof. Dr. C. Reinhardt) is currently seeking a
Postdoc in translational hematology research (m/f/d)
(pay grade: 13 TV-L / 100% – temporary employment)
The pay grade classification depends on the personal and collective legal prerequisites. The em-ployment is initially for a limited period. In accordance with the laws regarding scientific fixed-term contracts (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz) or the Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz the dura-tion of the contract depends on the personal requirements. An extension of the job duration might be possible according to the maximum employment duration as given by laws regarding scientific fixed-term contracts. The possibility of further personal scientific qualification, for ex-ample in the form for postdoctoral lecture qualification is given.
Your tasks:
• Establishment of a point-of-care CAR-T program aiming at the treatment of patients with hematological malignancies (embedded in our GMP facility)
• Management of scientific projects in the area of translational CAR-T research including but not limited to the POC CAR-T program
• Supervision of students and technical assistants
• Conduction and analysis of in vitro and in vivo experiments
Your profile:
• Completed Diploma or master degree and a PhD degree in natural sciences
• Experience in working with cellular therapies (preclinical and/or clinical) and willing-ness to extend your expertise
• Competence in standard laboratory methods (PCR, immunoblotting, flow cytometry)
• Ability to work in teams
• Experience in supervision of students/assistants
• Self-motivated, creative and proactive
• Fluent in English, ideally basic command of the German language
We offer:
• A friendly, collaborative and motivated work environment
• The freedom to realize own research ideas
• Access to in vivo model systems and leading-edge technology platforms
• Great opportunities for scientific collaboration with leading researchers
• Support in obtaining the necessary qualifications for an academic career
The University Hospital Essen is an equal opportunity employer. Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. The participation in secondary employment depends on the „Hochschul-nebentätigkeitsverordnung“ of North-Rhine Westphalia. Disabled applicants will be preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification. The position is also available as part-time employment.
Please send your application including the cover letter, your curriculum vitae and copies of all university degrees and contact data of 2-3 references in English or German language preferably by email as a single pdf file, referring to the job vacancy ID 1211, within two weeks of publica-tion of this advertisement to
Prof. Dr. Bastian von Tresckow
KlinikfürHämatologie und Stammzelltransplantation
Universitätsklinikum Essen
Hufelandstraße 55
D-45147 Essen
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