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北外一博士畢業(yè)生論文涉嫌抄襲 現(xiàn)任職湖北工大

時(shí)間:2017-12-22來源:未知 作者:羅杰 周娟 張子翔
隨后,澎湃新聞?dòng)浾邚陌俣葘W(xué)術(shù)網(wǎng)和中國知網(wǎng)上下載了這兩篇論文,分別是北京外國語大學(xué)博士畢業(yè)生楊佑文在2011年讀博期間發(fā)表在學(xué)術(shù)期刊Theory and Practice in Language Studies(TPLS是2011年創(chuàng)刊的一本學(xué)術(shù)期刊,出版周期是月刊,其出版方是芬蘭研究學(xué)會(huì)出版社)上的一篇題為《A Cognitive Interpretation of Discourse Deixis》的論文(以下簡稱“楊佑文論文”),和安徽大學(xué)英語語言文學(xué)專業(yè)2003屆碩士畢業(yè)生孫中勤的碩士學(xué)位論文《Cognitive Approach to Deixis》(以下簡稱“孫中勤論文”)。
首先,從正文結(jié)構(gòu)上看,孫中勤論文分為5個(gè)部分,分別是“Introduction”、“Traditional Approaches to Deixis”、“Limitations of Traditional Views on Deixis”、“Cognitive Approach to Deixis”和“Conclusion”。
其中,第四部分“Cognitive Approach to Deixis”又下設(shè)4個(gè)小節(jié),題目分別是“The ICM of Deixis”、“Mental Space Theory and Deixis”、“Deictic Prototype Effect”和“Physical Space Lays the Foundation for Deixis”。
楊佑文論文也分為5個(gè)部分,分別是“Deixis in Discourse”、“Discourse Deixis”、“A Cognitive Interpretation of Deixis”、“Spatial Conceptualization of Discourse Deixis”和“Conclusion”。
比如,孫中勤論文第一部分“Introduction”開頭寫道:“Deixis in its traditional linguistic sense refers to the fact that certain linguistic forms have direct pragmatic interpretation depending on parameters of the speech situation, rather than a stable semantic value. In particular, their interpretation is contextually anchored to the identity of the speaker and addressee, their locations, and the time of the utterance. When A asks B on the phone, ‘Will you come here?’the linguistic expressions you, here, and will are interpreted as ‘addressee’, ‘location of the speaker’, and ‘after time of utterance’, respectively.”
楊佑文論文第一部分“Deixis in Discourse”的第一段內(nèi)容是:“Deixis in its traditional linguistic sense refers to the fact that certain linguistic forms have direct pragmatic interpretation depending on parameters of the speech situation, rather than a stable semantic value. Specifically, their interpretation is contextually anchored to the identity of the speaker and addressee, their locations, and the time of the utterance. When A asks B on the phone, ‘Will you come here?’the linguistic expressions ‘you’, ‘here’(and even ‘come’), and ‘will’ are interpreted as the ‘addressee’, ‘location of the speaker’, and ‘after time of utterance’, respectively.”
對比發(fā)現(xiàn),楊佑文論文除了多了幾個(gè)引號和一個(gè)括號注解,又將“In particular”改成“Specifically”,其他內(nèi)容均與孫中勤論文一致。
再比如,孫中勤論文第四部分第一節(jié)“The ICM of Deixis”的一段內(nèi)容是:“Lakoff calls the above the pointing-out ICM of there-constructions, and convincingly argues that it gives rise to the prototypical structure of this category and motivates its various uses. It is clear from the above that this description of deixis is based on the following inferences: firstly, there should be an existential presupposition of an entity in space; secondly, the speaker intends to direct the hearers attention to the entity, and thirdly, the speakers intention is fulfilled by the use of the particular construction. It is reasonable to assume that whatever definition is proposed for the deictic ICM, it should include the three essential aspects of the ICM of there-constructions.”
楊佑文論文在題目相同的小節(jié)“The ICM of Deixis”中也寫道:“Lakoff calls the above the pointing-out ICM of there-constructions, and convincingly argues that it gives rise to the prototypical structure of this category and motivates its various uses. It is clear from the above that this description of deixis is based on the following inferences: firstly, there should be an existential presupposition of an entity in space; secondly, the speaker intends to direct the hearers attention to the entity, and thirdly, the speakers intention is fulfilled by the use of the particular construction. It is reasonable to assume that whatever definition is proposed for the deictic ICM, it should include the three essential aspects of the ICM of there-constructions.”
楊佑文論文第三部分第一節(jié)(下)“the ICM of deixis”大部分內(nèi)容與孫中勤論文第四部分第一小節(jié)(上)內(nèi)容近乎完全一致。
還比如,孫中勤論文第四部分第二節(jié)“Mebtal Space”有一段內(nèi)容表述為:“An ICM structures a mental space. Mental spaces are ‘constructs distinct from linguistic structures but built up in any discourse according to guidelines provided by the linguistic expressions’ (Fauconnier1985:16). They concern the understanding of any fixed or ongoing states of affairs such as immediate reality, fictional or hypothetical situations, past or future situations, representations of situations as in pictures and photos, or abstract domains such as subject matters (economics, politics, linguistics, etc.). Linguistic expressions functioning as space-builders include prepositional phrases, such as ‘in the play’, adverbs (‘really’, ‘probably’), connectives (‘if...then’, ‘either...or’), and clauses of prepositional attitude (Mary hopes...,believes...,claims..., etc.). Mental spaces are represented as sets of elements with relations holding between them. Elements in a space may have counterparts in another space. An element in one space may trigger another element, the target, in another space on the basis of a pragmatic function holding between the two elements. For example, one pragmatic function links authors with their works. Thus, reference to the author may trigger reference to his works, and the connector between the two is the above pragmatic function. It is suggested that ‘connectors are part of ICMs, which are set up locally, culturally, or on general experiential or psychological grounds’ (Fauconnier 1985:10).”
楊佑文論文在題目相同的小節(jié)“Mental Space”也寫道:“An ICM structures a mental space. Mental spaces are ‘constructs distinct from linguistic structures but built up in any discourse according to guidelines provided by the linguistic expressions’ (Fauconnier,1985,p.16). They concern the understanding of any fixed or ongoing states of affairs such as immediate reality, fictional or hypothetical situations, past or future situations, representations of situations as in pictures and photos, or abstract domains such as subject matters (economics, politics, linguistics, etc.). Linguistic expressions functioning as space-builders include prepositional phrases, such as ‘in the play’, adverbs (‘really’, ‘probably’), connectives (‘if...then’, ‘either...or’), and clauses of prepositional attitude (Mary hopes...,believes...,claims..., etc.). Mental spaces are represented as sets of elements with relations holding between them. Elements in a space may have counterparts in another space. An element in one space may trigger another element, the target, in another space on the basis of a pragmatic function holding between the two elements. For example, one pragmatic function links authors with their works. Thus, reference to the author may trigger reference to his works, and the connector between the two is the above pragmatic function. It is suggested that ‘connectors are part of ICMs, which are set up locally, culturally, or on general experiential or psychological grounds’ (Fauconnier,1985,p.10).”
楊佑文論文第三部分第二節(jié)(下)“mental space”的部分內(nèi)容與孫中勤論文第四部分第二小節(jié)(上)不但題目相同,而且內(nèi)容也高度相似。
孫中勤論文在“Introduction”最后一段寫道:“My paper aims at proposing a cognitive structure for deixis, in terms of which deixis is understood and used to structure reality, so that reality is internally experienced and hence reproduced or changed. The approach to deixis adopted in the paper originates in cognitive semantics and comprises cognitive models, image schematic and metaphorical structures as in Lakoff (1987) and LakofF and Johson (1999), mental spaces as in Fauconnier (1985, 1997), and prototype structure as in Rosch (1978) and Taylor (1995).”
楊佑文論文則在結(jié)語“Conclusion”第一段寫道:“This paper aims at proposing a cognitive structure for discourse deixis, in terms of which deixis is understood and used to structure reality, so that reality is internally experienced and hence reproduced or changed. The approach to deixis adopted in the paper originates in cognitive semantics and comprises cognitive models, image schematic and metaphorical structures as in Lakoff (1987) and Lakoff and Johson (1999), mental spaces as in Fauconnier(1985, 1997), and prototype structure as in Rosch (1978) and Taylor (1995).”
對比發(fā)現(xiàn),楊佑文論文除了將“my paper”改成“this paper”,以及將孫中勤論文這段內(nèi)容中第一次出現(xiàn)的“deixis”改成“discourse deixis”,其他部分與孫中勤論文的表述一模一樣。



