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時間:2018-10-18來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名
Accepting applications for Post-doc positions at Assis. Prof. Yuanming Shi's research group, SIST, ShanghaiTech University
Assistant Professor Yuanming Shi and his research group are currently working in broad areas of data sciences, wireless communications, information theory and signal processing, including but not limited to dense Cloud-RAN, index coding, mobile edge/fog computing, large-scale convex optimization, Riemannian optimization, sparse and low-rank modeling, and computational big data analytics.You can check Assis. Prof. Yuanming Shi’s group website for more information: http://www.shanghaitech.edu.cn/faculty/sist/people/1162.html.
We currently have two open positions which report to PI for group.We are looking for self-motivated individuals with strong mathematical and computing background, and are interested in large-scale optimization, optimization on manifolds, big data analytics and applications in machine learning, signal processing and wireless networking.

1.Research on mobile edge/fog computing over dense wireless networks.
2.Research on large-scale optimization for big data systems.

1.Ph.D. in electrical engineering, applied mathematics, computer science, or related fields.
2.Expertise in wireless communications, optimization, machine learning, information theory, signal processing or operation research is preferred.
3.Strong mathematical and computing skills are required.

Salary and benefit:
Competitive salary and benefit package will be provided based on the qualification and research experience of applicants.

Applications:  Please email a cover letter briefly describing previous research experience, a CV and three letters of reference or contact information to sist@shanghaitech.edu.cn, cc to shiym@shanghaitech.edu.cn.



