Postdoc positions
Quantum Information and Condensed Matter Physics
University of electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
We have opening for two theoretical postdoc positions (initially for two years with possible extensions) in the subject of quantum information and condensed matter physics in the group of Prof. Abolfazl Bayat at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu. The position will be in collaboration with European groups in the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain. The successful candidates will spend at least half of the time in Europe working with the European partners of the project.
The projects are mainly based on numerical simulations and the focus of research is to explore different aspects of many-body systems using quantum information tools. The projects will focus on: (i) quantum sensing; (ii) non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body systems; and (iii) quantum simulators.
The candidates should be under the age of 35 and have a background in at least one of these fields: many-body systems, condensed matter physics or quantum information. Previous numerical experiences with matrix product states and machine learning are advantageous.
Salaries and benefits
The salary is competitive with European universities and successful applicants will enjoy a reimbursement of up to 10,000 RMB (~ £1000) for international travel or family visiting per year.
About IFFS
Founded in June 2014, Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science (IFFS) at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) is a comprehensive research institute focused on advanced high-level fundamental science of materials, device and systems design, engineering and technology innovations in electronics, photonics, information and biomedical technologies and related interdisciplinary areas of scientific research and technology development such as nano-materials and devices, quantum computing and biomedical informatics. More details can be found in :
How to apply:
The deadline for the application is 18 December 2018. To apply or enquiry about the details please send your CV to :