The Buck Institute for Age Research (
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Novato, CA
Date Posted
September 3th 2008
Date Expires
November 2nd 2008
novato, ca, and usa
Postdoctoral Scholar – Ellerby Laboratory: Neuroscience & the Study of Polyglutamine expansion disease- SCA7 (Job Code: EP082982)
The Buck Institute for Age Research is currently interviewing a Postdoctoral Scholar. As the only independent institute in the U.S. devoted solely to research on aging and age-related disease, the Buck Institute is focused on understanding the mechanisms of aging and discovering new ways of detecting, preventing and treating conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer, arthritis, and stroke.
Designated by the National Institute of Aging as one of five Nathan Shock Centers of Excellence in the Biology of Aging, the Buck is a recognized national and regional resource for those studying the aging process. The Institute’s innovative, collaborative research is supported by four technology cores including; genomics, proteomics/mass spectrometry, cellular imaging/morphology and transgenic services.
The Buck Institute is located in Novato, 25 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The Institute opened its research facility in 1999 and currently has approximately 150 employees representing 17 countries. The Buck Institute was designed by world famous architect I.M Pei, and sits on 488 acres of land on Mt. Burdell.
Funded by the Postdoctoral Research Training Program (Training in Basic Aging Research and Age-Related Disease) at the Buck Institute/ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/ University of California at Berkeley, a postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Ellerby Lab. Postdoctoral scholar sought for basic and translational research in the fields of neuroscience to study polyglutamine expansion disease-SCA7. The scholar will be involved in experimental studies of post-translational modifications ataxan-7 and SCA7 mouse. These studies will be carried out with Dr. Lisa Ellerby.
For more details and a list of publications, please email Lisa Ellerby, Assistant Professor at
Please send CV and cover letter to and indicate EP082982 on the subject heading of your email in order for your information to be considered. We use E-Verify to confirm work authorization.