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時間:2008-11-04來源:科學時報 作者:

Developing new methods to retrieve and analyse preserved genetic information for forensics, archaeology and ancient DNA. ARC Senior Research Associate Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD) School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Job Reference Number: 15126 Deadline: 22 August 2008 A three year Australian Research Council (ARC)-funded Postdoctoral position is available at the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA in Adelaide (http://www.ees.adelaide.edu.au/acad/). The project is to research and develop revolutionary new methods to extract and characterise DNA from a range of unusual ancient samples including ancient bones and teeth, sunken ship timbers, stone tools, sediments and other ancient materials. The project is an ARC LINKAGE collaboration with the National Geographic Society, Australian Federal Police, and Forensics South Australia. The main aim of the project is to comprehensively re-assess and re-design current approaches to ancient/damaged DNA characterisation from the ground up, and to develop and extend recent new molecular approaches to DNA recovery and detection such as SPEX (Brotherton et al. NAR 2007), paleogenomic library construction and new approaches to sequencing.   You will need a first-rate knowledge and experience of practical molecular biology, and expertise in nucleic acids biochemistry. You should have a demonstrated ability to work from a first principles basis, with minimal reliance on kits and pre-designed systems. The work will be experimentally challenging due to the difficult nature of the genetic templates, but this is a rewarding opportunity to undertake a complete overhaul of current ancient DNA and molecular archaeological practice. An interest in ancient DNA, archaeology or natural history would be very useful. The position will be supported by a full time Technician, and will make use of the international quality ACAD facilities, and an extensive collection of >4,000 ancient samples from locations around the world covering the past 200,000 years. You should have: - a PhD or equivalent in Molecular Biology, Nucleic Acids Biochemistry or equivalent - demonstrated knowledge and experience of molecular biology laboratory methods at the most fundamental levels - excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to liaise collaborate and interact with a wide range of international scientific researchers - experience with advanced computational packages Salary: (Level B) Aus $70,075 - $83,215 per annum. Plus an employer superannuation contribution of 17% may apply. This fixed-term position is available immediately for a period of 3 years. Adelaide University is one of the 'Group of 8' leading Universities in Australia, in a cosmopolitan city offering an outstanding quality of life, with excellent food and wine and a low cost of living. Applications must address the selection criteria, which are available at the University website www.adelaide.edu.au/jobs, using the job number above. Further information may be obtained from Dr Jeremy Austin jeremy.austin@adelaide.edu.au, Prof. Alan Cooper, alan.cooper@adelaide.edu.au, Dr Wolfgang Haak (wolfgang.haak@adelaide.edu.au), or Dr Kefei Chen (kefei.Chen@adelaide.edu.au). Your application must * include your résumé/Curriculum Vitae * address the selection criteria * quote the relevant reference number * include the names, addresses and/or email details of three referees Email applications to Maria Lekis or forward in duplicate to: Maria Lekis School of Earth and Environmental Sciences The University of Adelaide South Australia 5005  


