Department of Cell and Developmental Biology (formerly Anatomy & Developmental Biology) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Research Associate Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the research group of Professors Kristj·n R. Jessen and Rhona Mirsky. We are a multi-disciplinary group that studies nervous system development and repair. The successful applicant will work on the molecular mechanisms that control glial cell (Schwann cell) differentiation, myelination, nerve damage and repair. A variety of techniques will be used, including functional gene analysis, cell culture and molecular biology. The post is funded by The Medical Research Council for 2 years in the first instance. The starting salary will be £27,466 p.a. plus a London allowance of £2,649 Informal enquiries may be made to Professors K.R. Jessen or R. Mirsky on (020) 7679 3351/3380. E-mail: or For application details (and form) please go to or contact Helen Jefferson-Brown, Anatomy Building, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT; 020 7679 2200; E-mail: Please quote Ref: FATR02 The closing date for applications is: 1 October 2008.