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時間:2009-12-24來源:科學時報 作者:
A postdoctoral fellow/scholar position is available at the University of Chicago.
Our lab has two major interests: studies of the post-thymic development and localization of regulatory T cells (Treg), and the impact of gut microflora in mediating innate and adaptive immune responses which lead to graft-versus-host disease following stem cell transplantation.
Post-thymic Treg development and homing:
Effective immune responses require migration of T cell subsets with homing specificity to distinct tissue locations. We are studying the post-thymic development and acquisition of homing receptors on Treg, and how their specific migration controls tissue and organ-specific immunity in models of inflammation and leukemia/lymphoma, as well as using human samples and xenogeneic systems. The goal of this research is to develop targeted molecular and cellular treatment strategies that separate graft-versus-host disease from the beneficial graft-versus-tumor reaction following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Tissue tropism in graft-versus-host disease:
Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) targets the epithelial compartments of the intestine, liver, and skin. Although it is known that the adaptive immune response toward the genetic mismatch of the donor-recipient pair is crucial for the induction of aGvHD, it remains unclear why tissue tropism for the intestine, skin, and liver occurs. Significant commensal bacteria load exists in the intestine and the skin, while the liver continuously filters antigens derived from the gastrointestinal tract. Our lab is investigating the microflora niche and its role in mediating the local immune milieu which leads to tissue specific aGvHD.
The position is intended for exceptional candidates with an MD, Ph.D., or M.D/PhD, who has excellent graduate training and a record of publications in immunology/molecular biology/cancer biology. Experience in innate immunity and T-cell biology, molecular biology, cancer models, optical or multiphoton imaging, and in vivo mouse models is highly desired.
Interested applicants should email their curriculum vitae, a statement of current and future research interests, and complete contact information of three references. The applicant must be able to come to Chicago for an interview if invited.
Dr. Vu Nguyen
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Chicago


