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時間:2009-12-24來源:科學時報 作者:
A pharmacogenomics postdoctoral position is available immediately in the Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Minnesota to study the functional effects of genetic variation of proteins involved in the pharmacokinetics and mechanism of action of anticancer agents. The postdoctoral associate will be part of a research group which involves frequent interactions with a broad range of scientists with expertise in human genetics, bioinformatics, statistics, clinical and molecular pharmacology.
REQUIRED/PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. with strong background in molecular biology and biochemistry. Candidates must have experience in molecular and biochemical techniques such as gene cloning, gene expression, mutagenesis, protein expression, gel shift assays, Si RNA, DNA/RNA purification, PCR and RT-PCR. Ability to work with human tissue samples is desirable. Publications in peer reviewed journals are a prerequisite. Successful applicants are expected to work independently. Strong verbal and written communication skills are required.
JOB DUTIES: The job duties include designing and performing the experiments to identify and functionally characterize genetics polymorphisms in genes of relevance to various anticancer agents; analysis of patient samples for determining the clinical relevance of the functionally significant variants; writing manuscripts and presenting papers at departmental and scientific meetings.
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Apply online via the Employment System at:
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, one-page letter describing their prior research experience, current interests and goals and provide names and contact information of three references. For specific questions about this position, please contact Dr. Jatinder Lamba at lamba004@umn.edu.


