Postdoctoral Research Associate
University of Liverpool -Department of Infection Biology
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Institute of Infection and Global Health
£31,331 pa
An enthusiastic, dedicated individual is sought for a 35 month BBSRC funded project that will use next-generation sequencing to dissect the molecular diversity of the treponemes considered responsible for bovine digital dermatitis, an infectious lameness of cattle. We will complete, annotate and compare relevant treponeme genomes and characterise their respective proteomes. This project represents an exciting opportunity to link genomics, proteomics and microbiology to investigate important pathogens to underpin future preventative and treatment measures. You should have a PhD in biological sciences with expertise in comparative genomics and relevant molecular biology skills. Training and support in proteomics will be provided.
Job Ref: R-582400
Closing Date: 3 June 2013