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時間:2013-05-03來源: 作者:

A postdoctoral position is available to join Prof Roger Hardie’s group working on Drosophila phototransduction – an influential genetic model for calcium signalling, TRP channels, and G-protein signalling. The project will combine biophysical and molecular approaches to study mechanisms of TRP channel regulation and will involve patch-clamp from photoreceptors and cell lines. Applicants must have a PhD and experience in a relevant discipline, e.g. cellular neuroscience, sensory physiology, Ca2+ signalling, or Drosophila neurobiology.

This position is funded by BBSRC for 22 months, from Aug 1 2013.

For informal enquiries and further information contact Roger Hardie rch14@cam.ac.uk; (http://www.pdn.cam.ac.uk/staff/hardie/index.html).

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 22 months in the first instance.

This appointment is subject to a health assessment. Whether an outcome is satisfactory will be determined by the University.



