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時間:2013-05-06來源:未知 作者:admin

Two (2) post-doc positions are available in support of the new National Nano-Bio Manufacturing Consortium (NBMC):


The post-doc's primary position will be with the University of Cincinnati's Novel Devices Lab: http://www.ece.uc.edu/devices/ and the Ohio Center for Microfluidic Innovation: http://ceas.uc.edu/ocmi.html. The position will also require close collaboration with the academic, federal, and industry partners for the NBMC (see links above).

The post-docs will lead the development of wearable physiological monitoring devices based on biomarkers found in sweat. These positions build upon two years of preliminary work involving the development of RFID patches that are read by a smart-phone, that can be applied similar to a band-aid, and which are able to stimulate small flows of sweat and report biomarker levels in real time.

Specific duties for the two positions include:

(1) research and publishing in microfluidics - particularly smart sweat collection, paper microfluidics, sweat stimulation, and integration.

(2) research and publishing in biosensing - particularly in electronic biosensor development, biosensor arrays, and electrical control.

Initial funds are available for a duration of 29 months. Salary will be based upon experience and qualifications. Start date is subject to the availability of funds, and is anticipated to be in August or September of 2013.

This high-profile project is an excellent position in preparation for an academic career, and because of the numerous industry partners for the project is also ideal for those also pursuing a career in industry. The most highly qualified candidates may also be considered for a non-tenure-track research faculty position.

ONLY HIGHLY QUALIFIED APPLICANTS SHOULD APPLY (several publications in leading journals, and those publications in areas matching the duties for position).

Applicants should submit a CV/resume, date of availability for hire, and a list of three references. Applications must be submitted to the University of Cincinnati job site:


Click on 'Search Postings' on the left and enter the job code from below:
212UC3274 (Microfluidics position)
212UC3285 (Biosensing position)

NOTE: please also send applications directly by email to Prof. Jason Heikenfeld at heikenjc@ucmail.uc.edu.




