NTNU supports excellent junior scientists planning to submit applications for fellowships to pursue a career here. Must have published as 1st author in a peer-reviewed journal, matching the research group “Consumption, Environment and Traffic” at Dept. of psych. Topics: determinants of environmental behavior interaction between structural, social and psych. factors in environmental domains environmental communication (eg through new media/art) psych. of climate change (eg risk perception) environmental interventions sustainable transport psych. effects of e-mobility Candidates will be invited to NTNU for 1-day symposium in June. Selected candidates will be supported by senior staff in developing fellowship applications. Deadline MC Actions: 14 Aug. Psych. dept: http://www.ntnu.edu/psychology. Info: Prof. Chr. Klöckner. E-mail copies of CV, summary of research plan (2 pages) and 3 letters of recommendation to Prof. Chr. Klöckner christian.klockner@svt.ntnu.no.