Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics : Mainz, Germany
We are offering a position for a postdoctoral researcher based at the Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz as part of an FP7 Initial Training Network (ITN). T This two-year position will focus on the biostatistical analysis of palaeogenomic data using advanced computational methods. The researcher will be based in the Palaeogenetics Group of the Institute for Anthropology, part of the Department of Biology at JGU Mainz. Successful applicants will have a background in bioinformatics, particularly in computational genetics and the analysis of next-generation-sequencing (NGS) data. Applicants should be familiar with modern tools for sequence alignment, assembly, and comparison, and related statistical methods. You will also be expected to participate in network-wide workshops and training events, such as laboratory rotations and short-term internships.
The BEAN ITN is conducting research into the origins of settled farming life in Europe and the dissemination of the cultural, technological, and biological components of the Neolithic from western Anatolia and the Balkans to the rest of Europe. We offer the opportunity to gain proficiency in NGS sample preparation, sequencing methods, and data analysis, as well as the particular problems attending the analysis of ancient and degraded DNA. The BEAN ITN will also offer training experiences in computer simulations and modelling, NGS protocol development, and scientific publication. In addition to research, the applicant may be involved in teaching of undergraduate students. Teaching load shall not exceed 2 hours per week. Eligible applicants should have a PhD or 4 years of equivalent research experience. Total research experience, starting from the degree granting access to PhD study, may not be more than 5 years. It is required that applicants have not spent more than 12 months working or studying in Germany within the last 3 years.
The position is financed for two years according to the Marie Curie ITN payscale for Experienced Researchers in Germany, and includes allowances for expenses related to international mobility.