A post-doctoral position for 18 months with the possibility of extension for another 18 months is available at Bioinformatics Research Centre (http://birc.au.dk), Aarhus University, Denmark, starting 15 September 2013.
Current directions in experimental evolution include focus on inferring the rates and distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations and how interactions between mutations (epistasis) can alter the evolutionary dynamics underlying adaptation. There is mounting evidence for negative or so-called “diminishing return” epistasis between beneficial mutations. In other words, two mutations that are beneficial on their own, often do not work very well when combined in the same genome. This has implications for quantifying the evolutionary advantage of recombination and how genetic divergence can build up through divergence selection in different environments. Progress has been made in dissecting the dynamics of adaptation in the lab, and many genome wide datasets are being obtained geared at that goal; but an unanswered question is whether insights gained so far are highly idiosyncratic and merely valid for the conditions used in the lab or whether they can illuminate evolution and adaptation “out in nature”.
As part of an on going effort to elucidate what factors are governing adaptation and limiting rates of evolution in nature, we seek to hire a post doctoral researcher working on model development and/or model-based data analysis geared at experimental evolution. We seek primarily a person who is thinking independently and is broadly trained in the area of evolutionary genetics although PhDs in statistics / maths might be considered if candidates are genuinely interested in applying their analytical tools to evolutionary questions. Previous demonstrated experience in the areas of (1) modeling evolutionary questions (either analytical or via simulation), (2) empirical experimental evolution combined with the use of high throughput sequencing, (3) molecular evolution would be a plus.
Possible research projects are flexible and, depending on the skills and interest of the researcher, will include
a. To develop/adapt models predicting DFE and interaction between mutations that can be tested quantitatively and ask to what extent detailed experimental insights described above can allow to infer properties of underlying fitness landscapes; and are more widely applicable to understand adaptation in nature.
Experimental evolution typically focuses on adaptation to abiotic environments (temperature, pH, presence of an antibiotic). A sizeable amount of adaptation in nature, however, involves biotic interactions (sexual selection, competition, recognition of pathogens/symbionts). That calls for the development of new fitness landscape models that incorporate a biotic component and allow for evolution of this biotic component (competitors of the same species, another species).c. Devise models and statistical frameworks to explore how long-term evolution (as inferred through patterns of substitution between species), “omics” information (genomic position, network of protein interactions, etc.) and short-term evolution (replicated in the lab) can be understood together and to which extend the latter can be predicted.
The research carried out by the postdoctoral researcher will be primarily theoretical/ statistical in nature but there is scope for close collaboration between groups involved in bacterial evolution either locally (Aarhus University) or through already established international collaborations.
For further information on the position, please contact associate professor Thomas Bataillon, (tbata@birc.au.dk).
Formalities and salary range
The Faculty of Science refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
The application must be in English and include a curriculum vitae, degree certificate, a complete list of publications, the names of two references, a statement of future research plans and information about research activities, teaching portfolio and verified information on previous teaching experience (if any). The recommended level of detail.
Salary depends on seniority as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Confederation of Professional Unions.
All applications must be made online and received by:13/06/2013