The « Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille UMR 7325 » (CINaM), France, offers a postdoc position with a duration of 1 year (renewable for 1 year) in the field of digital printed organic and hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells.
The research project of the postdoctoral position concerns the synthesis of low band gap semiconductor that can be grafted onto inorganic acceptors of 3D shape leading. This allows the generation of novel hybrid donor-acceptor assemblies used as photoactive layers in hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells. The research project is integrated in the framework of the project « SFUMATO », financed by the 12th FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel managed by OSEO) call 2011. Two French companies (ARDEJE, MICEL FILMS) and two public laboratories (CiNaM UMR 7325, IM2NP UMR 6242) jointly develop digital printed multi-color flexible solar modules through the project SFUMATO.
Description of the postdoctoral project: Hybrid bulk heterojunction nanomaterials represent promising alternative to all-organic approaches aiming to improve control in nanoscale morphology, charge transport and thermal stability of solution processed plastic solar cells. CiNaM is developing novel hybrid donor-acceptor heterojunction assemblies that can be used as photoactive layers in hybrid bulk heterojunction solar cells. The research project of the postdoc is to develop novel family of 3D semiconductor oligomers that are able to absorb light over a large range of the visible spectrum and to transport hole efficiently at the same time. Additionally funct ionalization of the molecules with grafting units will generate multifunctional ligands that will be used in bulk heterojunction solar cells to replace the donor polymer inside the blend as well as ligands for solid state DSSC.
The postdoctoral position is open from July 2013. We are looking for team working, highly motivated young researchers, which should have a PhD in organic chemistry with a strong experience in the synthesis of organic semiconductors. Additional knowledge in the fabrication and characterization of solution processed devices such as organic solar cells or TFTs would be appreciated.
Dr. Jörg Ackermann
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanosciences de Marseille (CiNaM),
Campus de Luminy, Case 913
13288 Marseille
email :
phone : +33 (0) 629413634