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時間:2013-06-08來源:未知 作者:admin

Two postdoctoral research assistant posts are available to work in the area of automated verification and/or synthesis under the direction of Professor Marta Kwiatkowska. The successful post-holders will be required to undertake innovative research as defined by the project proposal. The posts are in association with the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant VERIWARE (www.veriware.org). Applicants should include a supporting statement which summarises how they would contribute to the project. Priority will be given to candidates who can strengthen and/or broaden existing activities of VERIWARE. The primary selection criteria are excellent knowledge of theoretical computer science and automated verification and/or synthesis, strong track record of relevant publications, and ability and willingness to participate in the development of experimental software. Candidates with prior experience in probabilistic model checking are especially encouraged to apply.


The successful candidates will be expected to work with Professor Marta Kwiatkowska and the VERIWARE team to contribute to achieving the goals of the project and will be members of the Automated Verification theme. The main duties are described below. The exact scope of the research will depend on the skills of the candidate appointed who will be expected to fulfil the selection criteria defined below. Responsibilities/duties: The roles will require the postholder to undertake innovative research as defined by the project proposal and to work with colleagues to progress the objectives of the project as part of VERIWARE project team. The duties and responsibilities are as follows: • To provide leadership in the relevant research aspects of the project, developing research questions, generating original ideas and conducting individual research. • To collaborate with members of the VERIWARE team and support the research of junior researchers by providing technical assistance and advice on methodology, as required. • To initiate publication of research results in top ranking journals and present research results at leading conferences. • To contribute to software development, including tool releases, case studies and benchmarks, as required. • To assist with managing the project and group’s websites, including publication, case studies, tutorial, and other material, as required. • To assist with project reports and contribute to new research funding applications, as necessary. • To contribute to lecturing, software demos, and other activities described in the project proposal. • The researcher will have the opportunity to teach. This may include lecturing, smallgroup teaching, and tutoring of undergraduates and graduate students. • The researcher will carry out any other duties as are within the scope, spirit and purpose of the job as requested by their line manager or the Principal Investigators.


The posts, which are full time appointments, are funded by ERC and are available for up to 2 years, and have a salary on the University grade 07S scale (currently £29,541 - £36,298 p.a.). This includes membership of the University Superannuation Scheme (USS) and has an annual leave entitlement of 38 days per year (inclusive of all public holidays and university closed periods).  



