Early Stage Researcher (PhD positions) and Experienced Researcher Fellowships (postdoctoral positions) in the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “GastricGlycoExpoler – Systems Glycobiology of Gastric Cancer” Keywords Glycomics, Glycobiology, Biobank, Biomarker, Glycoprotein, Glycoproteomics, Array
ESR1: Structure and function of O-linked glycans in gastric cancer Host: University of Gothenburg (www.gu.se) Supervisor: N. Karlsson (niclas.karlsson@medkem.gu.se), S. Lindén Duration: 36 months ESR2: Development of O-linked HPLC screening of gastric cancer glycomics Host: National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (www.nibrt.ie) Supervisor: J. Bones (jonathan.bones@nibrt.ie), P.M. Rudd Duration: 36 months ESR3: Glycosylation expression profiling of gastric tissue & gastric cancer cell lines Host: Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (www.ipatimup.pt) Supervisor: C. Reis (celsor@ipatimup.pt), A. Magalhães Duration: 36 months ESR4: Novel glycobioinformatics resources to support systems glycobiology of gastric cancer Host: Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.isb-sib.ch) Supervisor: F. Lisacek (frederique.lisacek@isb-sib.ch), M. Mueller Duration 36 months ESR5: Data-mining methods for automatic data processing in glycomics Host: Ariana Pharma (http://www.arianapharma.com) Supervisor: M. Kuras (m.kuras@arianapharma.com) and F. Lisacek Duration 36 months ESR6: Glycophenotyping of gastric cells and H pylori adhesin characterization Host: University of Umeå (www.umu.se) Supervisor: T. Borén (thomas.boren@medchem.umu.se), J. Bugaytsova Duration 36 months ESR7: Recombinant mucin-type proteins with tailored glycan produced in glyco-engineered CHO cells Host: University of Gothenburg (www.gu.se) Supervisor: J. Holgersson (jan.holgersson@clinchem.gu.se), A. Nilsson Duration: 36 months ESR8: Phase Antibody capture assays for O-glycoprofiling of serum tumor antigens Host: University of Copenhagen (www.ku.dk) Supervisor: O. Blixt (olablixt@sund.ku.dk), E. Bennet Duration: 36 months ESR9: Development of proximity ligation-based assays for glycosylation in serum and tissues. Host: University of Uppsala (www.uu.se) Supervisor: M. Kamali-Moghaddam (Masood.kamali@igp.uu.se), U. Landegren Duration 36 months ESR10: Gastric tissue Glycoproteomics Host: Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (www.mpg.de) Supervisor: D. Kolarich (Daniel.Kolarich@mpikg.mpg.de), P. Seeberger Duration: 36 months ESR11: Gastric cancer serum Glycoproteomics Host: University of Southern Denmark (http://www.sdu.dk) Supervisor: M. R. Larsen (mrl@bmb.sdu.dk), G. Palmisano Duration: 36 months ER1: Development & opti
The Marie Curie programme offers highly competitive and attractive salary and working conditions. Benefits include mobility allowance, career development allowance and a travel allowance. The successful candidates will receive a salary in accordance with the Marie Curie regulations for early stage and experienced researchers. Exact salary will be confirmed upon appointment. In addition to their individual scientific projects, all fellows will benefit from further continuing education, which includes internships and secondments, a variety of training modules as well as transferable skills courses and active participation in workshops and conferences.
Additional Job Details
Candidates apply for one or more positions (and indicate their preference). Candidates send their cv and a motivation letter to catherine.hayes@medkem.gu.se, niclas.karlsson@medkem.gu.se and the involved supervisor (see above). Furthermore, applicants should submit a form in which it is corroborated that they are eligible for MC ITN funding (cf. diploma, mobility aspect, English language skills – see below for more details). The deadline for these documents is 19th of July 2013. The GastricGlycoExplorer Recruitment Committee candidates and the selected ESRs and ERs are to start as quickly as possible (in practice no later than 1 November 2013).