The BIOMERIT Research Centre ( ), located in the Microbiology Department at University College Cork has established an international track record in the study of microbial-host interactions, microbial virulence and the discovery of bioactive compounds as therapeutic agents. Based on recent research funding a vacancy exists for an exciting and challenging research position in the area of Molecular Microbiology /Microbial genomics and Bioinformatics.
Applications are invited for apost-doctoral scientist with experience in molecular genetics / bacterialgenomics and with expertise in bioinformatics to study functional genomics andgene regulation in model organisms from clinical and environmental niches. Theappointed scientist will employ genomics, metagenomic and bioinformatics technologies toinvestigate the role of key genes modulatingcell to cell communication and pathogenesis in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and also link this to our on-going strategies based on miningbioactive compounds from marine organisms to develop novel antimicrobial as effective therapeutic agents for clinical /industrial applications.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
This title will apply to newly qualified Post-Doctoral Researchers and will be considered as a period of training as the researcher will have dual goals in terms of the research project and their own career development. The researcher will be mentored by a Principal Investigator (PI). It is expected that a researcher would spend not more than 3 years at the Post Doctoral level, subject to the term of the project and would then be eligible to compete for a Senior Post Doctoral post advertised by the University.
The primary focus of the Postdoctoral Researcher will be research however a particular emphasis during this stage should include;
To conduct a specified programme of research under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator/Project Leader.
To engage in appropriate training and professional development opportunities as required by the Principal Investigator, School or College in order to develop research skills and competencies.
To gain experience in grant writing.
To engage in the dissemination of the results of the research in which they are engaged, as directed by, with the support of and under the supervision of a Principal Investigator.
To become familiar with the publication process.
To acquire generic and transferable skills (including project management, business skills and postgraduate mentoring/supervision).
To engage in the wider research and scholarly activities of the research group, School or College.
To interact closely with postgraduate research students who are studying for a Masters or a PhD and possibly have an agreed role in supporting these students in their day to day research in conjunction with an academic supervisor.
To carry out administrative work to support the programme of research.
To carry out additional duties as may reasonably be required within the general scope and level of the post.
To contribute to costing research grant proposals and assist in the financial managementof a research project.
A PhD qualification.
Appropriate research experience.
Appropriate technical competence and accomplishment.
A capability of working within a project team to achieve results and publications Good communication, organisationand interpersonal skills.
A commitment to gaining practical experience working on a research project.
Ability to work well withina team and show scientific leadership and innovation.
For Informal Enquiries on the post candidates should contact:
Name: Prof. FergalO’Gara
Title: Professor/Director.
Telephone: +353 214272097
To Apply:
Please submit a short cover letter and C.V. by Friday 21st June 2013 to FergalO’Gara, Professor, , . Arrange for2 letters of recommendation to be sent to Prof F O’Gara.
SupplementaryInformation on the Department/Research Centre and the post is available at thefollowing URL: