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時間:2013-06-08來源:未知 作者:admin

Postdoctoral Research Associate Employing unit: School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences

Start date: 1st August 2013

Closing date: 01/07/2013

Interview date: 10/7/2013

Reference number: RS13037

Post type: full-time, fixed-term for two years

Grade: 6

Payscale: £27,854 per annum

We seek to appoint a Postdoctoral Researcher in psychophysics to join our dynamic research group to work on problems related to empathy, emotions, and autism (www.bhismalab.org). The position will be for two years in the first instance.

The ideal candidate will have:

• Evidence of published peer-reviewed research in psychophysics

• Expertise in Matlab or equivalent programming languages

• PhD in a relevant discipline (need not be related to autism/emotion/empathy)

• Good knowledge of statistics

Informal contact details

Contact role: PI

Contact name: Bhismadev Chakrabarti

Contact phone: +44 (0)118 378 5551

Contact email: b.chakrabarti@reading.ac.uk

date: 01 July 2013

To formally apply please visit www.reading.ac.uk/jobs or contact Human Resources, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading RG6 6AH. Telephone +44(0)118 378 6771 (voicemail)
Please quote the relevant reference number.

We value a diverse workforce and welcome applications from all sections of the community.


