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時間:2013-06-24來源:未知 作者:admin

Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron and a leading scientific facility of its type in the world. Located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in South Oxfordshire, we host research facilities supporting cutting edge research in all fields of science.

I20 is a beamline consisting of two x-ray spectrometers that can operate independently. The first branch is based on a very high energy resolution scanning spectrometer that provides a high photon flux, and is particularly suitable for the study of dilute samples. The second branch uses a dispersive geometry to collect x-ray absorption spectra with high time resolution, appropriate for the study of chemical processes.

Working under the supervision of the I20 Principal Beamline Scientist, the PDRA will be responsible for developing a research programme in the area of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy applied to the study of the structure and properties of metal-organic framework materials. The aim of the project is to develop optimised experimental methods and analytical approaches for X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of this class of material, that enhance the experimental capabilities of I20 (X-ray absorption spectroscopy in transmission, fluorescence and dispersive geometries, and X-ray emission spectroscopy). In addition to their primary research programme, the PDRA will be expected to assist in the general development and commissioning of the beamline instrumentation, as well as provide a level of user experiment support through local contacting experiments and data analysis.

To develop a research programme in the area of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy applied to the study of the structure and properties of metal-organic framework materials under the supervision of the I20 Principal Beamline Scientist.

To develop and setup the new equipment necessary to carry out the above research programme;
To carry out experiments, to analyse the data and to publish the results, both in international journals and through attendance at scientific conferences;
To keep up with latest results and research directions of the national and international community;
To assists in the development of new instrumentation to upgrade the performance of the beamline;
To assist in the maintenance of the beamline during operations;
To assist in the support of users in performing their experiments at Diamond;
To support of in-house research activities.
Qualifications and Experience: Essential
Appropriate First Degree;
Postgraduate degree;
Relevant synchrotron research experience;
Experience or knowledge of synchrotrons;
Experience of beamline instrumentation;
Knowledge of x-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques;
Ability and initiative to get to the heart of the problem and take it effectively through to completion;
Good interpersonal, communication and presentational skills;
Ability to interact effectively with staff at all levels;
Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
Self motivated;
Must be available to travel occasionally within the UK and abroad, including overnight absences.
Qualifications and Experience: Desirable
Knowledge of scripting languages, i.e. Jython;
Knowledge of routine laboratory characterization techniques such as Raman, IR, UV-Vis.
Applying for employment
For further details on applying for employment at Diamond, please visit our ‘Application Form’ page.


