The Department of Chemistry at New Mexico Tech invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher position in biomedically related computational chemistry. Applicants must possess a doctoral degree in chemistry or a related field. Required qualifications include a strong background in computational chemistry and high proficiency with command-line Linux. Research experience with molecular dynamics simulations of biological lipids, enhanced sampling methods, and/or AMBER biomolecular modeling software is desired.
The successful candidate (postdoc) will work closely with Dr. Sally Pias and other members of her research group at New Mexico Tech to study the significance of cellular lipid composition and dynamics for oxygen permeability and transport. The primary tasks planned for the postdoc include conducting molecular dynamics simulations of systems composed predominantly of lipids and solvent; evaluating atomistic and coarse-grained force fields for use in simulations and, if needed, developing parameters (especially partial atomic charges) to supplement or improve the available force fields; designing simulation protocols to enable thermodynamic and/or kinetic analysis of molecular oxygen diffusion across model cellular lipid structures (bilayers or triglyceride-filled lipid droplets); engaging in detailed and thoughtful analysis of simulation results; studying relevant literature and beginning preparation of a manuscript to report simulation findings. The postdoc is expected to serve as an active member of the Pias research group team, assisting others (especially graduate and undergraduate students) with related projects and participating fully in group meetings. The position is currently offered for nine months (through the end of February 2014) but may be extended for one or more additional years, contingent upon funding and performance. The starting annual salary is approximately $44,000 plus benefits. For further information, please contact Dr. Sally Pias (see
New Mexico Tech is a science- and engineering-focused university with a strong research emphasis. It is located in Socorro, NM, a small town in the Rio Grande river valley, near the Magdalena Mountains.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter specifically addressing academic background and experience with respect to the required and desired qualifications, along with a full CV/resume and contact information for three professional references willing to provide recommendations. The applicant must also be prepared to supply graduate transcripts upon request. ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS SHOULD BE SENT BY E-MAIL TO nmtposition[AT]gmail[DOT]com. To verify receipt, candidates may contact Ms. Karla Montoya in Human Resources (see Due to a time constraint on funding, the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified.