A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is available within the EU-funded project “Multi-layer Spatio-temporal Generalized Networks (LASAGNE)”.
The goal of this project is to investigate models, algorithms, systems and tools for multi-dimensional network analysis extracted from massive data sets.
This is an exciting opportunity for conducting ground-breaking interdisciplinary research at the interface of large-scale data (“big data”) analysis and complex networks/network science.
To apply you must hold a first degree in the areas of Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Electronic Engineering or a related discipline, and normally, a PhD relevant to the research area or equivalent qualifications. Also, you should have demonstrated your research competence through high-quality and high-impact publications in top conferences and journals in one (or more) of the following areas: data mining, machine learning, large-scale data processing and systems, and/or complex networks/network science.
Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Mirco Musolesi (http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~musolesm/) at the School of Computer Science.
Closing date: 11 July 2013