An exciting opportunity exists for an experienced postdoctoral researcher with a background in cognitive neuroscience to take a leadership role in an SFI funded study entitled: Characterizing the neural basis of social cognition deficits in schizophrenia using imaging genetics. Deficits in ‘social cognition’– referring to cognitive functions required for the processing of socially relevant stimuli – are particularly relevant to schizophrenia related disability. In SZ, this includes emotion perception & processing, theory of mind, and attributional style. Therapeutically targeting these aspects of disability in SZ requires their characterisation at cognitive and neural levels, and investigation of how these deficits are mediated at a cellular and molecular level. Addressing this important challenge, this project will use brain imaging and genetics to elucidate the cognitive mechanisms underlying deficits in social cognition in SZ. This will be done using both already collected functional and structural imaging and genetic data, and data collected using new social paradigms specific to this project.
The Post-holder may be based in either or both TCD and/or NUIG. The Centre for Advanced Medical Imaging is based in St James’s Hospital, Dublin; while the Neuroimaging Cluster Group
is based in NUI Galway.