Postdoctoral positions are available to work on maize meiosis in the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, TAIWAN. The Academia Sinica is one of the world’s leading scientific institutions (No 23, and the top one research institution supported by TAIWAN government. It is located in Taipei, an international city in the north of TAIWAN.
Research field
My lab studies plant meiosis using molecular, genetic, cytological, biochemical and proteomic approaches as well as advanced imaging techniques. We are interested in mechanisms of meiosis initiation and meiosis exit, and homologous pairing and synapsis during meiosis.
We are looking for one or two postdocs who are highly motivated to work on meiotic cell cycle controls and meiotic pairing. The candidate should have experience working on the molecular biology or cell biology. Applicants possessing experiences on meiosis study, biochemistry, and proteomics are preferred.
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Further inquiries regarding these positions should be addressed to Dr. Chung-Ju Rachel Wang ( Applications should include CV, a brief motivation letter and three references. Skype talk after making an appointment is encouraged.