Required qualifications:
- Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in the pharmaceutical sciences or related fields
- Some experience with animal handling and surgical procedures
- Basic laboratory skills including reagent preparation, pH measurements, following standard operating procedures, etc.
Preferred qualifications:
- Experience with HPLC for drug analysis in biological fluids
- Experience with in vivo microdialysis
The project focuses on delivery of an antibiotic across the intact eardrum into the middle ear from a gel formulation placed in the external ear. The animal model is the chinchilla. Microdialysis of the middle ear space in the awake, freely-moving animal is conducted for periods of 24 to 96 hr after dosing the external ear. The candidate must be willing to work some evenings, nights, and weekends. Duties would include assisting in system setup (HPLC, microdialysis, etc.), dosing and caring for animals during the study, and analyzing /interpreting middle ear fluid drug
concentration data.