Postdoctoral position on spatial navigation and aging : Magdeburg, Germany
The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is a center of excellence within the Helmholtz Association that performs translational research on Neurodegenerative Diseases. The center includes nine high-performing sites in Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Göttingen, Magdeburg, Munich, Rostock/Greifswald, Tübingen and Witten.
One full-time post-doctoral position is available in the Aging and Cognition Research Group headed by Prof. Thomas Wolbers. Our work aims to understand mechanisms of healthy and pathological ageing by studying changes in spatial navigation and the underlying neuronal computations. The lab provides cutting-edge interactive virtual reality systems, which allows for actual navigation in large-scale environments. The lab has access to research dedicated MEG/EEG, TMS and MRI facilities, which includes a 7T human scanner. In addition, the lab entertains multiple national and international collaborations, and the Magdeburg site, where the group is based, offers a unique environment, as spatial navigation is a core theme investigated across several animal and human research groups.
In this unique project, we will develop a quantitative understanding of navigational deficits in old age by combining computational modelling of neural circuits with experimental neuroscience. The project is a collaboration between the Aging and Cognition Research Group in Magdeburg and the Computational Modelling Group of Prof. Ila Fiete at the University of Texas at Austin. You will perform spatial navigation studies with older adults, using cutting edge virtual reality setups and ultra-high field (7T) neuroimaging. In developing and analysing your experiments, you will closely collaborate with members the Fiete lab, which will include research stays in Austin. A strong interest in spatial navigation is essential, and excellent statistical skills are a plus. Furthermore, you will have, or be in the final stages of, a PhD in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging methods or applied statistics. You should also be familiar with MRI, fMRI and/or EEG/MEG, possess excellent computer programming skills (e.g. in Matlab), and it would be desirable for you to have experience with machine learning approaches. You will be thorough, efficient, effective, a good communicator, and enjoy working as part of a diverse and energetic, interdisciplinary team. For further information, please email Thomas Wolbers (thomas.wolbers(at)
Employment, payment and social benefits are determined by the Public Sector Collective Agreement (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst – TVöD). The job location is Magdeburg, Germany.
The position is available from 01 September 2013, applications will be considered until the position is filled. The DZNE is an equal opportunity employer. The DZNE is committed to employing disabled individuals and especially encourages them to apply.