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時(shí)間:2013-07-22來(lái)源:未知 作者:admin

Postdoctoral Researcher

UCAR - Princeton, NJ

PLEASE NOTE : This is a new full-time term position for one year with renewal up to 3 years based on annual review. Initial consideration will be given to applications received prior to 5:00 p.m. (MDT) on Wednesday, July 3, 2013. Thereafter, applications will be reviewed on an as-needed basis.

UCAR - Visiting Scientist Programs (VSP)

Partial relocation costs paid per UCAR’s relocation policy

If necessary, UCAR/NCAR will sponsor a work visa (e.g., H1B, etc.) to fill this position.

IMPORTANT: Applicant must submit a cover letter addressing interests and qualifications pertaining to this position.


This position will support two GFDL on-going projects: 1) An exploration of the intraseasonal to seasonal predictability of US landfall hurricanes using global high resolution climate models and 2) A NOAA CPO award co-led by UCLA and GFDL entitled "modulation of tropical cyclone activity over the Intra-Americas Sea by intraseasonal variability: Implications for dynamical TC prediction on intraseasonal time scales". The position is located at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), Princeton, New Jersey.


Work with GFDL senior scientists to conduct retrospective seasonal forecast experiments using various configurations of the GFDL high resolution global climate models, and analyze (with GFDL and UCLA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (UCLA/JPL) scientists) the model and observation/reanalysis products to better understand the predictability of TC activity at intraseasonal to seasonal time scales. Results of the analysis of the models and products will be presented to GFDL scientists and management, and through publications and workshops.

Will publish scientific papers/reports and attend conferences/workshops to present results from this project.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:


  • Limited to candidates who have received their PhD’s within the past five years.
    • They should be highly self-motivated and have extensive experience in numerical modeling and processing and analysis of large datasets.
      • A comprehensive knowledge of tropical meteorology, tropical intraseasonal variability.
        • Strong background in numerical modeling and numerical predictions are required.
          • Good computer skills with experience in Fortran, Unix shell scripting and analysis software tools such as Matlab, Grads, NCL.
            • Ability to work independently in a scientific research environment.
              • Good oral and written communication skills.
                • Understanding of the methods and procedures for conducting scientific research.
                  • Ability to travel as needed.

                  Education and Experience:
                  • PhD in atmospheric or oceanic sciences, or a closely related field.



