Hannover Medical School, Institute of Neuroanatomy, OE 4140, has an open position for a
as of October 1st, 2013.
The candidate will participate in the scientific activities of the institute for the development of cell-based and molecular therapies in neurodegenerative diseases in animal models and should possess the necessary skills. Furthermore, participation in teaching activities at the Institute of Neuroanatomy is expected.
A university degree in a medical or biological subject (human biology, biology, cell biology), completed PhD degree as well as above-average interest in neuroscientific research is required. Experience in molecular biological, cell biological or veterinary experimental methods are desired. Analytical and goal-oriented approach, readiness to take on responsibilities and openness for new insights, proactive attitude, team spirit and loyalty belong to your strengths.
The willingness for integration into existing teams and the self-driven acquisition of third-part funds is assumed. This position includes the possibility for independent scientific work and leading to the achievement of further scientific qualifications.
The position will be available until September 30th, 2015. Hannover Medical School is an equal opportunity employer and is seeking to increase the proportion of female scientists. Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.
Applications need to include previous work experience, detailed CV and reference letters. E-Mail preferred to:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Grothe
Hannover Medical School
Institute of Neuroanatomy, OE 4140
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
E-Mail: neuroanatomie@mh-hannover.de