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時間:2013-07-22來源:未知 作者:admin

Post-doctoral positions are available in the Bioinformatics and Genome Analysis groups at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.

The goal of the research groups is to develop and apply computational methods for the analysis of genome and transcriptome sequence data from primates, archaic humans and model organisms. A major focus is understanding the evolution of modern humans through the comparison of human genomes with the genomes of other primates and archaic humans.

The candidates will work on the analysis of next generation sequence data of archaic and modern human genomes. S/he will have the opportunity to interact with colleagues in population genetics and statistics and will collaborate closely with experimental groups generating genome sequence and expression data.

The successful applicants will hold a doctoral degree in computer sciences, statistics, or biological sciences with demonstrated experience in computational and statistical approaches and a solid publication record. Previous experience in the analysis and integration of data, particularly next generation sequence data, as well as the statistical interpretation of datasets is required. The applicant should have demonstrated experience in the implementation of scientific algorithms in software.

Proficiency with at least one high level programming language (eg: C++) and appropriate scripting languages and statistical data analysis tools (Python/Perl, R/MATLAB) is expected. The applicant should have a demonstrated ability to work independently, and to devise and implement his/her own ideas and bring projects to publication. S/he should have excellent written and spoken communication skills. The ability to work in an inter-disciplinary setting and to communicate with both computational and wet-lab colleagues is essential.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and CV including at least two references by email to: kelso@eva.mpg.de or pruefer@eva.mpg.de

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