Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) under the supervision of Ludovic Jaubert, within the Theory of Quantum Matter unit lead by Nic Shannon.
Our motivation is to explore novel quantum and classical phases and their related topologies, excitations or dynamics, with a particular emphasis on frustrated magnets. Current research interests within the unit include quantum spin liquids, (quantum) spin ices, topological phases, loop models, quantum spin nematics, interplay between itinerant electrons and magnetic frustration… driven either by theoretical questions or recent experimental results, and using a wide range of numerical and analytical techniques.
OIST is an ambitious new English-language graduate university in Japan, with a strongly international and interdisciplinary ethos. The campus is located in a coastal nature reserve, on the sub-tropical island of Okinawa. Okinawa offers a unique culture, outstanding natural beauty, and direct flights to major cities in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan.
OIST offers an attractive package of remuneration and benefits, including support for relocation to Japan. The position can start at any time from Oct 2013 and is renewable annually for up to 3 years. While the research project is primarily expected to focus on numerical methods, the selection process will be based on scientific creativity and academic achievements rather than technical skills alone. Excellent theorists from a different background and willing to discover a new field of research with us are also welcome to apply. Applications will be reviewed as received, with the position remaining open until filled.
Letters of application, with a CV, a minimum of two letters of recommendation, and a short statement of research interests (2 pages) should be sent to
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics or a related discipline, be comfortable working in English, and have demonstrated an independent-minded approach to research. Interested candidates are welcome to contact us for informal enquiries.