Postdoctoral research fellow position immediately available for highly motivated individual wanting to apply PhD training and experience in cancer genomics to investigate and model the genetic basis for brain tumors.
The research aims to understand the basis of brain cancer, in a dynamic and collaborative environment that integrates cancer biology with genomic technologies. The individual would work closely with individuals in the Brain Tumor Research Center, Helen Diller Comprehensive Cancer Center, and the Institute for Human Genetics at the University of California San Francisco. Individuals with a strong background in cancer biology, genomics, high-throughput biology, informatics, computational biology or statistics are encouraged to apply. The ability to lead and work in an interdisciplinary team is expected.
Applicants must have a PhD, currently reside in the USA and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Please respond by e-mail to Joanna Phillips, MD/PhD ( In the subject line please put “PD4: Application” and with your email include a statement of interest and career objectives, CV, and names with contact information for three references including your PhD advisor.