We are seeking a motivated and interacting postdoc for a research project entitled Molecular basis of natural variation in stomatal CO2 responsiveness. The overall aim of the postdoctoral project is to elucidate the molecular basis of the evolutionary and environmental control of natural variation in stomatal CO2 responsiveness in seed plants. Molecular studies will identify and explore the roles of yet unidentified genetic loci in controlling natural variation in stomatal responses to CO2 among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes adapted to contrasting climatic conditions. Furthermore, evolution of stomatal CO2 responsiveness and its potential acclimation to prevailing environmental conditions (CO2 concentration, climate) will be investigated in a broad range of fully sequenced species, selected to represent major evolutionary lineages in seed plants. The relevance of mechanisms identified in Arabidopsis for explaining the evolution of stomatal CO2 responsiveness in seed plants will be assessed by comparative genetic and physiological analyses. Experimental methods include leaf gas exchange, guard-cell isolation, real-time PCR, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping.
The major tasks for the successful applicant will be to:
(1) Collect genetic data and measure stomatal CO2 responsiveness in Arabidopsis
(2) …and analyze those data by QTL mapping in order to identify genetic loci responsible for variation in stomatal CO2 responsiveness
(3) Compare loci identified in Arabidopsis with sequence information for other species
(4) Publish the results in international peer-reviewed journals
The recruited postdoc will have main responsibility of the molecular parts of the project, while an already available PhD student will be in charge of experiments to explore evolutionary patterns and acclimation potential. Three senior researchers (all Associate Professors at the host department) serve as advisors / supervisors on ecophysiological (Johan Uddling), molecular (Mats Andersson) and evolutionary (Alexandre Antonelli) aspects of the project.
The Department is located in the Gothenburg Botanical Garden (one of the largest and most excellent in northern Europe) and within walking distance to other Science Departments at the University of Gothenburg. The research at the Department covers a broad range of research areas: Plant Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecophysiology, Ecology and Conservation, Ecotoxicology, Systematics and Biodiversity. See also www.bioenv.gu.se
The stipend is for two years full-time research. The total stipend is on 480 000 Swedish krona (SEK), equivalent to 20 000 SEK per month. The applicant will be expected to start as soon as possible or as decided upon in negotiations.
The applicant should have a PhD in a field of plant science that is relevant for the project, e.g. molecular biology, physiology, physiological ecology. Good communication skills (written and oral) in English are necessary, as well as the willingness and ability to interact with collaborators. Specialization in plant (eco)physiology and plant molecular biology is an advantage, as is also experience in genetic quanitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, Arabidopsis research, stomatal regulation, and methods to measure leaf gas exchange (i.e. photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance).