Information about the division
At the Division of Materials Microstructure we study the development of the detailed microstructure of materials during fabrication and service, and correlate the microstructure with the properties of the materials. Our main tools are instruments of microscopy and microanalysis of high spatial resolution, such as scanning and transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. Most of our work is made in collaboration with industry, and we have extensive collaboration with groups working with thermodynamic and atomistic modelling.
The details of the departmental research activities may be found at
Work descriptions
Both post-docs will work with high resolution microanalysis, but with different profiles; one focused on transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and one focused on atom probe tomography (APT). It is expected that the post-docs will work together and also in close collaboration with other members of the division. The post-docs will be involved in our studies of wear-resistant coatings, isolation materials for electrical power using high voltage direct current, thermoelectric materials and transport kinetics in thermally grown oxide scales.
The employment is limited to one year with the possibility for a one year extension.
Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).
We are looking for outstanding candidates with a PhD degree in Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, or an equivalent education. Experience in using focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (FIB/SEM) is highly desirable and knowledge in high-resolution TEM or APT is considered an additional important merit.
To qualify for the position of postdoc, the degree should generally not be older than three years.
In order to improve the gender balance at the Department, we welcome in particular applications from female candidates.