At the Department of Translational Genomics (head. Roman Thomas, M.D.) a fulltime
Postdoctoral fellow position in the area of Computational Cancer Genomics
Is available immediately.
Our group is a highly dynamic and competitive research lab with multiple national and international collaborations. Our research is focused on understanding functional, cell biology aspects of cancer genomics. As a centerpiece of our work we conduct transcriptome, genome, and exome sequencing of large tumor collections. Our approach is focused on computational biology and molecular cell biology methods to understand the biological impact of such genetic alterations. Thus, our lab is composed of scientist with various background, including physics, cell biology, oncology and genetics that work together in a highly collaborative fashion to funnel results from computational analyses into functional cell biology understanding.
We are looking for a talented, curious and experienced computational biologist with a strong interest in cancer genomics and cancer biology. The successful candidate will be an integral part of the lab. The new hire will be involved in developing novel concepts for analysis of highly complex and orthogonal data sets in order to gain insight into cancer biology. Most of the work is centered around genomic sequencing data as well as on data related to drug response and RNAi screens. Our laboratory has already amassed large amounts of data, ready to be analyzed.
The position requires a PhD or MD degree in a relevant field, such as physics, mathematics, cancer research, computational biology, biostatistics or oncology. Profound experience in computational biology as well as programming skills are mandatory. Candidates should have a genuine interest in cancer biology and should be capable of driving projects with a high degree of independence.
For further information please contact Roman Thomas (e-mail: or Martin Peifer ( or see our webpage:
Please submit your application including a detailed CV, list of publications, two references, and a brief statement of research interests as a single .pdf file by email only by August 31, 2013 to Roman Thomas: roman.thomas(@)