Intensities achievable at x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources enable, for the first time, the study of x-ray stimulated emission processes. We explore new x-ray lasing schemes and stimulated inelastic x-ray scattering with XFELs, to ultimately transfer coherent nonlinear optical spectroscopy to the x-ray domain.
Recently, x-ray lasing involving an atomic inner-shell transition in a dense gas of atomic neon has been demonstrated, resulting in the first atomic x-ray laser in the keV photon energy regime [N. Rohringer et al., Nature 481, 488 (2012)]. Moreover, strong evidence of stimulated resonant inelastic x-ray scattering was observed. By stimulating the scattering process, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude, opening the way to high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy. The experimental project aims to extend inner-shell x-ray lasing and stimulated RIXS to molecules, based on a recent theoretical feasibility study [V. Kimberg et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 043901 (2013)].
The successful candidate will prepare, coordinate and execute two approved experiments at the LCLS facility at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in California in February 2014 and at the FLASH XFEL facility in Hamburg scheduled for autumn 2014.
Applicants are expected to have an excellent track record, a PhD in physics and excellent skills in spoken and written English. We are looking for highly motivated individuals, with experience in experimental atomic, molecular, optical physics, laser or plasma physics. The successful candidate should ideally have some of the following skills: good communication skills, preferentially work experience at synchrotron or FEL facilities, impulsive laser alignment, usage of gas capillaries, vacuum work, CAD design, x-ray spectroscopy, project management.
Candidates should send their formal application per email to Nina Rohringer ( containing a motivation letter, indicating interests and former research experience, a curriculum vitae, including publication list and references.
The Max-Planck-Institute aims to increase the number of women in scientific positions. Female candidates are therefore particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualifications, candidates with disabilities will take precedence.