The Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics is an international research institute with approx. 350 employees, working in the field of molecular genetics. A special focus lies on functional genomics of man and other organisms.
The Max Planck Research Group “Epigenomics” (Head: Dr. Ho-Ryun Chung) combines both experimental and computational approaches to unravel the impact of chromatin structure and modifications on transcriptional regulation. The group offers an interdisciplinary environment to complement existing skills in experimental or computational analyses. We invite applications for the following open position:
Postdoctoral Scientist f/m
(TVöD E13)
Code: 13-14 O
The group is seeking an outstanding postdoctoral bioinformatician for the analysis of next generation sequencing data. The successful candidate will participate in a project, which is part of a large consortium that aims at mapping histone modifications, DNA methylation states and mRNA and miRNA expression status in various disease-related cell types to unravel epigenetic mechanisms underlying these diseases. The successful applicant will develop and apply workflows for initial read mapping and quality controls in a documented and reproducible manner. Furthermore, the successful applicant will be involved in analyses of large-scale data sets generated by the consortium. The main objectives are to develop and apply methods (i) to normalize next generation sequencing data, (ii) to quantify changes between conditions, (iii) to identify disease-related epigenetic signatures and (iv) to unravel processes that are causally involved in the diseases.
We are seeking a motivated team player with strong communication skills and a thorough understanding of statistics and the analysis of next generation sequencing data. The successful candidate will have a proven scientific track record (including first author publications). A background in chromatin research and a basic understanding of chromatin immunoprecipitation are an asset but are not mandatory.
Funding is available for an initial period of two years with the possibility of extension.
The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, references, and a statement of research interests until August 4th, 2012 to:
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik
Personalabteilung/Code: 13-14 O
Ihnestraße 63–73
14195 Berlin
or via e-Mail to: