The University of Liverpool
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Institute of Integrative Biology
Department of Functional and Comparative Genomics
Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Research Associate/Software Engineer
£31,331 – £32,267 pa
We are looking for a software engineer or bioinformatician to work on a BBSRC funded project, in which we are taking a world leading role in developing software tools and data standards for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. You will be expected to collaborate with research groups around the world in the context of the Proteomics Standards Initiative and will join a well-funded research group in Liverpool working on a range of exciting challenges in post-genomic bioinformatics. You should have (or be about to obtain) a PhD in computer science, bioinformatics or closely related discipline, or have an equivalent level of software engineering experience. The post is available for 1 year initially with the possibility of extension up to 3 years, dependent upon other projects being funded.
Job Ref: R-583494/N Closing Date: 9 August 2013
For full details, or to request an application pack, visit
or e-mail, please quote Job Ref in all enquiries