Description: We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join the Computational Genetics and Genomics (CGG) group based in the Center for Human Genetics Research (CHGR) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The general interest of the CGG group is to understand genetic and genomic characteristics of human diseases through cutting-edge high-throughput sequencing technologies. The successful candidate is expected to work on exome or whole genome sequencing data to identify genetic variants associated with complex diseases (e.g. psychiatric disorders) and to study somatic aberrations in different cancer genomes. The candidate has opportunities to develop novel methods and tools to address outstanding challenges in both cancer genomics and human genetics problems.
The CHGR provides an excellent environment and resources for genetic and genomic studies. We have access to a campus-wide computing cluster with nearly 4000 cores for data storage and processing. Successful applicants will have great opportunities to collaborate locally and nationally with a multidisciplinary research team. Vanderbilt University Medical Center offers competitive salaries that are commensurate with experience. For more information please visit
Qualifications: Applicants with a doctoral degree in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biostatistics, or other disciplines with strong quantitative backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Programming experience in scripting languages such as Perl/Python on Unix/Linux systems is required. Familiarity with C/C++ or Java is a strong plus.
Contact: Interested applicants should send a CV with the contact information of 3 references to[at], or Bingshan Li, 519 Light Hall, 2215 Garland Ave., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232. Vanderbilt University is an equal opportunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.