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時間:2013-07-30來源:未知 作者:admin

Research Fellow in Experimental Particle Physics

Department of Physics & Astronomy

University of Sussex -School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Ref: 228

(Full Time, Fixed Term up to three years)

Salary range: £30,424 and rising to £36,298 per annum, depending on skills and abilities

Expected start date: 1 October 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter.

We seek to appoint a creative and talented scientist with a strong interest in programming for particle physics applications, to join the fast-growing Experimental Particle Physics (EPP) group at Sussex. The position is to work primarily on the ATLAS experiment and its future upgrades. The post is funded on the group’s Consolidated Grant, awarded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). The appointment is for up to three years initially, until 30 September 2016, with possibility of extension subject to funding. The Sussex ATLAS group, led by Prof. Antonella De Santo, has grown very rapidly in recent years and currently counts four full-time academics, three full-time post-doctoral researchers, and a number of post-graduate students. Sussex is part of the SouthGrid Tier-2, and group members have access to rapidly expanding HPC resources on campus. The group’s main technical responsibilities on ATLAS are on the High-Level Trigger (HLT) and on upgrades of the trigger system (HLT upgrade, L1Track project). The group also has a strong and growing physics programme on ATLAS, with current focus on searches for supersymmetry and on flavour physics. The successful candidate will be expected to support Sussex’s expanding core programme on ATLAS, and to play a pivotal role in consolidating and continuing to extend the group’s leadership on the trigger.

Candidates are expected to hold a doctorate in experimental particle physics and to have a strong track record of internationally recognised research at large-scale particle physics experiments at colliders.

The EPP group is one of four research groups within the Department of Physics & Astronomy. In addition to its involvement in ATLAS, the group is renowned for its high-precision experimental tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, with strong focus on neutron EDM and neutrinos. The University of Sussex is part of the South East Physics Network (SEPnet).

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Antonella De Santo (EPP group leader and Sussex ATLAS team leader, a.de-santo@sussex.ac.uk).

The Experimental Particle Physics group web site is http://www.sussex.ac.uk/epp/.

Closing date: 22 August 2013


