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時間:2013-07-30來源:未知 作者:admin


A postdoctoral research fellow position in the areas of biological image analysis and informatics is available in the Loo lab (http://web.bii.a-star.edu.sg/~loolh) at the Bioinformatics Institute (BII) in Singapore. The group focuses on investigating complex cellular responses to small-molecule and cytokine perturbations using quantitative systems biology and cellular imaging methods. The successful candidate will develop new computational algorithms for analyzing large-scale microscopy image datasets, and predicting toxicity and efficacy of drugs and compounds. The candidate will have the opportunity to do cutting-edge research in computational and systems biology, and work in a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating environment.


Candidates must have a strong quantitative background, with a Ph.D. in computer science, electrical or computer engineering, bioengineering, computational biology, biophysics, mathematics, physics, or other related fields. Candidates with interdisciplinary training in biology and computing are especially encouraged to apply. Strong knowledge in machine learning, statistics, and programming (C/C++ and R) are required. Previous experience in image processing, biology, bioinformatics, or systems modeling is desired, but not required. Candidates must also possess good communication skills, and be fluent in both spoken and written English.

Application Procedures:

Applicants should send

a one-page cover letter briefly describing prior research experience and accomplishments,a one-page statement of research interests,CV,contact information of two references, and reprints of one to two publications to Dr. Lit-Hsin Loo (loolh@bii.a-star.edu.sg).



