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時間:2013-07-31來源:未知 作者:admin

Job Description

Postdoctoral fellow positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. John C. Williams at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope. The Beckman Research Institute is an innovative biomedical research, treatment and educational institution, and a designated Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute. The City of Hope’s Beckman Research Institute provides an environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration.

The project involves the development of a novel interaction to add functionality to monoclonal antibodies. As part of a larger team that involves crystallographers, synthetic chemists, microscopists using advanced imaging methods and medical radiologists for in vivo imaging, the primary responsibilities of the candidate will be to develop focused peptide and antibody libraries, screening of these libraries, and the biochemical and biophysical characterization of potential leads. Excellent technical skills and communication skills, verbally and written, are expected. In return, the successful candidate will be exposed to new methodologies and technologies. In addition, the successful candidate will work in a truly translational environment where basic scientists and medical faculty (surgeons, oncologists, radiologists) interact daily and actively participate in weekly group meetings, and program and institutional projects. The position will begin immediately and is funded for three years.

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, City of Hope is in a serene community in which to live and work. The subtropical and semi-arid climate offers year-round outdoor activity. An hour’s drive in different directions can take you to ocean beaches, snow skiing, or desert camping. It is close enough to take advantage of the benefits of city life, but far enough to enjoy living in a peaceful environment.

The position provides competitive salary and benefits. Please send Curriculum Vita and names of three references to:

Dr. John C. Williams

Associate Professor

E-mail: jcwilliams@coh.org



