VCU’s Center for Biomarker Research and Personalized Medicine ( is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to help analyze data from two very large biomarker studies of Major depressive disorder (MDD).
Candidates should have an interest in MDD with formal training in statistics/bionformatics along with considerable practical experience in analyzing large scale data sets. S/he will employ approaches to analyze MDD related biological datasets that for an important part are generated (in-house) using next-generation sequencing of genomes, methylomes, and transcriptomes. Experience with Linux/Unix and scripting languages such as R or PERL is important.
The projects are highly multidisciplinary and interactive involving other center members plus external collaborators in the US as well as abroad. The Center is well funded and equipped, occupying a suite of state-of-the-art laboratories on the university’s MCV Campus. The position is initially for two years and offers ample opportunities for publishing articles and career development.
All interested applicants should email a current resume to: Gioia Casso