We are seeking a highly motivated, creative and ambitious researcher to join the research group of Dr. Christian A. Nijhuis to work on a research project that involves in situ optical measurements of biased molecular tunneling junctions.
The project is part of a 3 million S$ research grant from the National Research Foundation of Singapore to study charge transport across new types of molecular diodes and memory based on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) contacted by two electrodes. These junctions switch the mechanism of charge transport from tunneling to hopping in certain bias ranges, but the origin of the hopping process is not known. The goal is gain more insight in the charge transfer processes of the junctions by in situ spectroscopy of biased junctions. We developed a new method to form electrical contacts to SAMs using liquid metal electrodes (alloy of Ga and In) stabilized in a microfluidic device; these devices make low temperature measurements possible and to couple light in and out of the junctions using our TIRF system equipped with an EMCCD camera and spectrometer. Our probe station allows us to perform charge transport measurements as a function of temperature (4 K), magnetic field (2 T), and is also equipped with optical probes. Other facilities include state-of-the-art clean room, deposition systems, ebeam lithography and other patterning techniques, low temperature systems, synchrotron based spectroscopy such as UPS, XPS, and NEXAFS, STMs, AFMs, etc are available at NUS, IMRE, SSLS, and the Graphene Centre. (see our web page http://staff.science.nus.edu.sg/~christiannijhuis/index.html for other research activities of our group and links therein to NUS, IMRE, SSLS, and Graphene Research Centre). The main language in our laboratories is English and the lab-members are from nine different nationalities (Asia, Europe, and Australia).
Eligibility and Conditions
Candidates must hold an internationally-recognized PhD degree (or equivalent), or evidence of its completion in the near future, preferably in physics, nanotechnology, material science, or equivalent, and should be proficient with the English language.
The candidate should have a proven track record of excellence in experimental research.
Candidates with experience in nano-electronics, plasmonics, or nano/micro-device fabrication, are highly encouraged to apply. The position is available for 1 year with possible extension to 2 years, or more, depending on the research progress. Salary depends on experience and ranges from 48,000 to a maximum of 72,000 S$ per year.
Application procedure
The formal application should be submitted by e-mail to: chmnca@nus.edu.sg; E-mail submissions must include: one-page statement of research interests, curriculum vitae, and the contact details of three potential references. Potential candidates will be contacted by phone and invited for an interview.
The call will remain open until suitable candidates are identified.
Candidates may contact chmnca@nus.edu.sg for informal inquiries regarding the application.