One joint postdoctoral research associate position is available starting from August 2013 in the Atomistic Simulation & Energy (A.S.E.) and Kawajiri research group at Georgia Tech. The research is centered on designing, modeling, analyzing and assisting with the construction of a high temperature concentrated solar thermochemical reactor. The idea is to capture highly concentrated sunlight (> 5 MW/m2) at high temperature > 1300°C in a liquid metal (i.e. tin) heat transfer fluid to be later used in thermochemical fuel production (water splitting) as a new route to clean, renewable and dispatchable utility scale electricity generation. The primary objective of the project is to design and optimize the thermochemical reactor for maximum efficiency and reliability. The primary role of the postdoc will be to model simultaneous solid gas chemical reactions in porous media, mass diffusion, thermal transport and fluid flow phenomena in a coupled transient manner. In addition to the modeling, candidates will also be encouraged to support the lab scale prototype construction and testing. Responsibilities include carrying out independent research, writing publications, presentations and reports, working with other postdocs, research engineers and graduate students in the group, and interacting with sponsors. Highly motivated and hardworking candidates with a strong background in chemical reactor modeling are strongly encouraged to apply immediately. Experience with gPROMS and/or COMSOL would be beneficial, but is not requisite, however, prior experience with modeling chemical processes, reactors, or dynamic systems is necessary.