A two-year post-doctoral position is available at Institut Cochin, Paris, France, to start as early as autumn 2013. The applicant will join the group of Dr. Julie Gavard, and will work in collaboration with Dr. Nicolas Bidere (Villejuif, France) and Dr. Nicolas Dupin (Paris, France). The project is devoted to better understand the molecular mechanisms involved sarcomagenesis and lymphomagenesis upon HHV8 infection.
We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a strong background in cell biology, cell signaling and cancer. Technical expertise in flow cytometry, mouse works, and imagery are preferred.
Our institute, located in the heart of Paris gathers 600 people and 35 teams. It provides an optimal environment for the correct development of our program, research training and clinical interactions. Indeed, our project will take full advantage of the facilities available on-site, as well as the association with the Hospital Cochin. (please visit our website: http://cochin.inserm.fr/homepage?set_language=en&-C=). Our team is organized around young researchers and students, and provided an international environment with dynamic and attractive scientific life.
Please send your CV and reference letters to julie.gavard@inserm.fr
Keywords: NF-KB, survival, ubiquitination, endothelial cells, lymphocyte
Selected references: Poalas et al, Cell Comm Signal 2013; Le Guelte et al, J Cell Sci 2012;, Dwyer et al, PLoS One 2012; Galan-Moya et al, EMBO Rep 2011; Dwyer et al, Oncogene 2011; Carvalho et al, J Cell Sci 2010; Bidere et al, Nature 2009; Gavard et al, Dev Cell 2008.