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時間:2013-08-07來源:未知 作者:admin

The AHRC-funded project, 'Diagrams, Figures and the Transformation of Astronomy, 1450-1650' held by Prof. N. Jardine, FBA, Dr S. Kusukawa and Prof. L. Taub, has, since October 2008, been researching the role of diagrams, images and tables in astronomical books printed between 1450 and 1650. The team are seeking to appoint a full-time post-doctoral research associate for the final year of the project, to help complete the on-line database of astronomical images and accompanying texts. The successful candidate will have completed a PhD (and will hold a PhD certificate) before taking up the post. The work involves bibliographical and image research, a substantial amount of copy-editing and proof-reading, data management and organization. Previous experience with rare books and copy-editing, and the ability to work to deadlines are essential. Knowledge of Latin, early modern astronomy and database management is desirable. 

How to Apply

Please complete Parts 1 and 3 of the University's CHRIS6 application form available from the Apply link below. Please also provide a cover letter; an up-to-date CV; a list of publications; and a sample of original, written work in the area of early modern science (c. 5,000-8,000 words).

The individual documents should be combined into a single file which should be submitted by email to hpsjobs@hermes.cam.ac.uk. Please include your surname in the file name. For shortlisted candidates, references will be taken up prior to interview unless you advise that you do not wish us to do this.



