Postdoctoral positions are available starting in Winter 2013 – Spring 2014 to study several aspects of cardiovascular development and translational application to adult cardiovascular disease. Briefly, using conventional and conditional gene knockouts in mice and using tissue culture and molecular/biochemical strategies, the lab studies mechanisms of cardiomyocyte proliferation in embryonic development and adult post-injury regeneration, recruitment of progenitors to a myocardial fate, epicardial stem cells, coronary vasculogenesis, and other subjects; a more complete description can be found at Requirements for these positions include a PhD or MD or equivalent and a background in molecular or cell or developmental biology. Candidates must have a demonstrated record of productivity. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Sucov by email at, and should (1) attach a CV that includes a description of past research experience and names and contact information of references, (2) describe time frame for completing current position, and (3) include either as an attachment or as text in the message a description of research interests and why a postdoctoral position in this lab would be appropriate for those interests.