Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Berkeley, CA
The Neutrino Physics program at the Nuclear Science Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is seeking outstanding candidates for a postdoctoral position. The successful candidate will participate in the neutrinoless double-beta decay search in the MAJORANA experiment.
The MAJORANA group at Berkeley Lab is responsible for the development of a novel germanium detector system and its associated signal readout electronics for the project. The successful candidate may also participate in the development of ultraclean electronics components and manufacturing processes for future low-background experiments at deep underground facilities.
Key Responsibilities:
Work on experiments to search for lepton number violation and to probe the absolute neutrino mass scale.
Development of advanced germanium detectors and associated electronics for neutrinoless double-beta decay search.
- Development of analysis software for gamma and beta spectrum measurements.
Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics or related discipline within the last two years
Experience with nuclear instrumentation or radiation detection
Experience with programming and physics analysis
Relevant publication record demonstrating proficient written and oral presentation of scientific results
- Ability to perform research independently and as part of a research group
Curriculum vitae
Publication list
Statement of research interests
- Arrange for three reference letters to be submitted.
Statement of research interests
Publication list
Relevant publication record demonstrating proficient written and oral presentation of scientific results
Experience with programming and physics analysis
Experience with nuclear instrumentation or radiation detection
Development of advanced germanium detectors and associated electronics for neutrinoless double-beta decay search.