The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is one of the highest ranked scientific research organisations in the world. The Headquarters Laboratory is located in Heidelberg (Germany), with additional sites in Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Hinxton (UK) and Monterotondo (Italy).
Our research group has a long-standing mechanistic interest into protein translocation across peroxisomal membranes and related research areas. For highlights, see: Stanley et al (2006) PMID: 17157249; Fodor et al. (2012) PMID: 22529745.
Project outline: Proteins Pex11p and Pex25p are critically involved in the proliferation of peroxisomes. We would like to determine the structures of these proteins, possibly in complex with further peroxins, and complement structural work with in vivo functional characterization, in cooperation with partners of the EC ITN Network PERFUME (
Source of funding: EC (2 years)
Qualifications and Experience:
Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant field, proven record of scientific accomplishments, international experience, scientific ambition and excellent communication skills, and previously demonstrated expertise in protein chemistry (molecular biology, heterologous expression, protein purification), biochemistry (purified proteins, cell-based assays), biophysics (spectroscopy, scattering methods), and structural biology (X-ray crystallography, possibly other complementary methods).
EMBL is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation.